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COVID-19 Delta Variant Cases Rise Among Youth: Take Bamboo Extract


We are seeing just over 160,000 new cases of COVID in the United States in just yesterday alone. This Delta Variant has spread much more rapidly than expected and the Delta Variant is the dominant variant of COVID-19 in the United States, around 99% of new cases of COVID-19 are Delta Variant. CDC says that it is twice as contagious as previous variants. This Delta Variant is much different than the first variants because the COVID-19 virus has evolved. We really must work to contain the spread of this virus just as we have done for previous variants. There have been over 251,000 cases of COVID among children in the past week according to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). We highly recommend having children under 12 years old take 2 capsules of Bamboo Extract before leaving the house. If they weigh less than 60lbs take just one capsule. This will help protect against viruses. Masks can help only some in this case, however, it is important that we take this seriously because the infection route is now different and many more are prone to exposure. Please use caution and we highly suggest using Bamboo Extract and Oxypower. Bamboo Extract and Oxypower are especially useful for the flu and colds and many other viruses. It is extremely effective It is also important to build up a high count of T-cell and nature killer cell (help fight off viruses) by taking Bamboo Extract before you go out in public, along with Liver Chi, and Asparagus Extract. If you already have a weak lung or your oxygen meter reads lower than 97%, you should take Oxypower. Oxypower will help your lungs to take in Oxygen. If you have always had cold hands or cold feet, you need Vein Lite to increase your circulation to make your body warmer. This prevents thrombosis (blood clots), a common side effect of some vaccines. Vein Lite will help reduce your D-Dimer and is excellent for those that are without 8 lunulae (half moons on your fingernails).


A patient visited a family member in the hospital with a mask and gloves, but still ended up contracting COVID-19. She was in the ICU for 19 days before she was released. When she was taken home her room is only 14 steps from her front door, but she could not make it without any assistance. They gave her a portable oxygen tank so she could keep with her at all times. She then was given a bottle of Bamboo Extract by her niece and was taking it for about 2 weeks with some improvement. She later added Oxypower to her regiment (she did not know about it before) and after about 1 week of taking it her breathing improved so much it returned “close to normal”. She could finally walk around again and within a few months she returned the portable oxygen tank. She is continuing taking both Bamboo Extract and Oxypower for the prevention of contracting it again with the new strain and also to keep her oxygen levels to a normal range.

CLICK HERE to order Vein Lite, Bamboo Extract, Liver Chi and Oxypower!

If you have any questions or want to order any of our excellent products, please call (813 )-598-3091

The statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products are not intend to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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